We are living in complicated times where things feel uncertain, upside down and unpredictable. And so, in a world gone crazy, it has become increasingly important to connect with beloved friends and family as their warmth and familiarity bring us comfort.
Yet, in our quiet moments, many of us still confront fears about the volatility and restlessness of our world which enhance our awareness of our own mortality. Thinking about this is emotionally taxing, although it is – and always has been - part of the human condition.
In 2024, unfortunately, the mortality issue is front and center for people of all ages as random ‘stuff’ happens. One remedy may be to engage in activities which feel constructive and/or restorative as these can help us identify the many positives we have experienced over the course of our life and prevent us from descending into a dark place. Moreover, some of these can simultaneously serve to remind us and our loved ones of the different kinds of Beauty in Life.
In his book, The Secrets of Happy Families, American writer, Bruce Feiler, highlights the importance of developing a strong family narrative. He quotes a study from Emory University which telegraphs the importance of a family narrative in its role of connecting children to something larger than themselves. It is designed to help them make sense of how they fit into the world that existed before they were born. It helps create a sense of identity about the story of which they are part; these are the people who came before me and whose descendant I am.
These are my roots – the branches on the family tree.
Some people are master storytellers. Others are less gifted in the storytelling department, although they may still furnish a special desire to jot down all their important thoughts, emotions and share memories of significant events. Because they know that, in doing so and describing multiple events which have occurred in their life, they teach their children and grandchildren about themselves, the value and impact of ancestors, and the strong connections between one generation and another. Getting all the stories and feelings down helps future generations understand where and whom they come from, who their ancestors were, what type of principles and morals they represented and how they evolved into a family with a specific value set.
Enter the Legacy Letter Portfolio 2024.
A Legacy Letter is a personal, written or dictated document that you create in order to communicate your values, life philosophy, experiences/achievements, life lessons, blessings, hopes, dreams and legacy for future generations of your family. This allows them to learn from you and remember your stories once you are no longer on Earth.
It is a document from your heart to theirs…. and is NOT a legal document in any way.
It offers an opportunity to add to personal family knowledge and history to express one’s life accomplishments, values and legacy wishes for the family. It is a way to leave behind a legacy of thoughts, wisdom, love, guidance and aspirations for future generations... not just material possessions.
Timeless’ new Legacy Letter Portfolio allows people of diverse ages to start work on completing their own personalized Legacy Letter.
You can easily fill out the factual, background personal information yourself – when and where you were born, family details, education - or you can have our professional interviewers do it for you.
No matter what, our professional interviewers and writers do the heavy lifting for you when it comes to the deeper, more complex, thought-provoking questions about life values and beliefs, wishes and hopes.
Timeless sets up a time for you to be interviewed about ‘the heart of you.’ It is an enjoyable, exclusive, emotive experience in which you get to be the Chief Narrator of your Life.We ask you open-ended questions and then write it all up for you to add to your Legacy Letter Portfolio.
And then you can choose whether to get your Legacy Letter in digital or print format.
If you choose a print format, your Legacy Letter Portfolio gets printed and sent back to you in a beautiful hard-bound book with a special pocket so that you can add more information as the years go by, as necessary. For example, about core values and beliefs and wishes for your children/grandchildren.
And please remember… that you do not need to be over 70 to start working on this. Each of us is a work in progress. Each of us evolves over Time as do our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors. Children don’t just learn from us. They watch us and learn us. Every day is precious and might feature a treasured moment you don’t want to forget.
So you can start composing your Legacy Letter when you are in your 40s as by then you can describe your childhood, early adulthood, Love stories, academic and professional life. And you can certainly also add some info about your perspectives on Life!!
Start composing your unique Legacy Letter now!